
Privacy Policy


By reading, browsing, or using the website, the user declares that they have read and accepted the terms and conditions outlined herein. If the user does not agree with the terms and conditions, they must immediately exit the site.

BROVA DIGITAL GROUP reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of use of the site at any time and without prior notice.


The data will not be used for purposes other than those that motivated their collection and will be used only by BROVA DIGITAL GROUP.

The personal data required will be used to provide the user with information about our services, as well as other related activities of BROVA DIGITAL GROUP.


In accordance with the principles of art. 43 of the National Constitution, Law 25.326 on the Protection of Personal Data and its complementary regulations, BROVA DIGITAL GROUP guarantees the protection of the privacy and personal data of users who access and/or use the site.

It will not be necessary for users to provide any personal information to access all the information contained on this site. If personal information is provided through the use of any form, by email, or any other means, it will be voluntary, and it will only be used for personal communications and will not be disclosed to third parties without the prior free, express, and informed consent and in accordance with the terms of Law 25.326.

By providing their personal data, users authorize BROVA DIGITAL GROUP to communicate with them by postal, telephone, or electronic means sending information that BROVA DIGITAL GROUP considers may be of interest to them, including advertising and information about their careers, programs, courses, and extension activities.

Users may at any time access their personal data, as well as exercise the rights established in Law 25.326 on the Protection of Personal Data.

The information obtained through cookies is related only to the type of browser users use, their operating systems, the type of computer used, the Internet service providers, the sections of the website visited, the server address used, the domain name, the date and time of the visit to the site, the downloaded documents, and other similar information. In no case can cookies read information from your hard drive or files created by other sites.

All personal data will be managed by BROVA DIGITAL GROUP, stored in automated files, and processed under strict security and confidentiality standards.


BROVA DIGITAL GROUP excludes, to the extent permitted by law, any liability for damages and losses of any kind that may occur. In all aspects, the “Legal Notice” that regulates the use of the service of the site that BROVA DIGITAL GROUP makes available to Internet users will be applicable.

It is clarified that in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law and its regulations, the user’s consent will not be necessary for the obtaining of personal data when:

a) The requested data are obtained from sources of unrestricted public access;
b) They are lists whose data are limited to name, national identity document, tax identification or pension identification, occupation, date of birth, and address;
c) They derive from a contractual, scientific, or professional relationship of the data owner, and are necessary for their development or fulfillment.
d) The data collected have an advertising purpose and are intended for the formation of specific profiles, which categorize preferences and similar behaviors of people, provided that the data subjects are only identified by their membership in such generic groups, with more individual data strictly necessary to make the offer to the recipients.


BROVA DIGITAL GROUP will adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the personal data legally required, in order to prevent their alteration, loss, consultation, or unauthorized processing, whether they come from human action and/or the technical means used.

However, the User must be aware that security measures on the Internet are not foolproof.


Any controversy that may arise between users and BROVA DIGITAL GROUP will be subject to the laws of the Argentine Republic, to the exclusion of any rule that refers to the application of a foreign law and/or another jurisdiction.


BROVA DIGITAL GROUP authorizes viewing, copying, printing, and distributing information and material from its website, provided that it is used exclusively for information purposes or non-commercial purposes and exclusively for personal use, provided that the source is cited. Anyone who carries out any of these actions accepts this privacy policy. Therefore, users agree to retain all copyright and other proprietary notices that may be contained in any copy they make of these documents.

The total or partial reproduction of contents protected by intellectual property law is expressly prohibited, as well as the commercial use of the contents of the site, their sale or distribution to third parties, or their modification. Any other use requires prior written and explicit authorization from BROVA DIGITAL GROUP.

Under no circumstances may users alter or modify the format of files, pages, images, information, materials, or any content of BROVA DIGITAL GROUP’s website, nor copy the design, overall appearance, or composition of the website.


All logos and trademarks of BROVA DIGITAL GROUP displayed on are registered and protected by law. Their reproduction without prior written and explicit authorization from BROVA DIGITAL GROUP is expressly prohibited. Other logos and trademarks used on the website are the property of their respective owners.